Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Basic Concept Of Mathematical Multiplication Of Two Digit Numbers

This article discusses about basic concept of mathematical multiplication of two digit number and teaches you the basic and easy way to multiply any two digit numbers.    
The journey of multiplying two digit numbers begins with the basic understanding of multiplication process for two digit numbers.
Let’s start with example of multiplying 24 with 43...
            24 x 43 =?

Step 1: Multiply left most digits of the numbers.
            In our example left most digits are 4 and 3.
                        So, 4 x 3 = 12

Step 2: Cross multiply left most digit of each number with right most digit of other number and sum up the answer.
In our example left most digits 2 and 4 are multiplied with right most digits 3 and 4 respectively and sum up the answers.
            2 x 3 = 6
            4 x 4 = 16
            6 + 16 = 22

Step 3: Multiply right most digits of the numbers.
            In our example right most digits are 2 and 4.
                        So, 2 x 4 = 8

Step 4: Sum up answer of step 1 with answer of step 2 multiplied by 10 and answer of step 3 multiplied by 100.
In other words sum up answer of step 1 with answers of step 2 and step 3 respectively after adding one and two zeros respectively.
            In our example,
            The answer of step 1 is 12.
            The answer of step 2 is 22.
            The answer of step 3 is 8.
            So, 12 + (22x10) + (8x100) = 1032
            In other words, 12 + 220 + 800 = 1032

In this way the final answer of 24 x 43 = 1032.

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